Dream on, nobody wants to date you because you're a dog.
- It's Prognosis Negative Three Two featuring Chris, Sean, and Eric! Join us as we present our first listener chosen, Patreon Pick, Teen Witch. Dive in and discover if we go type O Neg or Pos!
- Thanks so much to Kirsten@HappyMrsRory2 in Massachusetts for supporting the show via Patreon.
- The band Good Graeff @goodgraeff is currently touring the East Coast. facebook.com/goodgraeff
- This is a canonical ProgNeg.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and possibly Doctor Who! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
Host/Producer: Eric @BullittWHO
Podcast: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
Co-Host: Sean @tardistavern
Podcast: tardistavern.libsyn.com
Co-Host: Christopher @dubbayoo
Podcast: radiofreeskaro.com
Co-Creator: H.B. Lockwood @hayleyglyphs
Artwork: hayleyglyphs.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/hayleyglyphs
Prognosis Negative @ProgNeg
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
Patreon: patreon.com/ProgNeg
Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg
ProgNeg Theme originally compiled by H.B. Lockwood