If I have any more fun today I don't think I can take it!
- It's Prognosis Negative Deuce Deuce featuring Chris, Sean, and Eric! Join us as we break down the pride of Tejas, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Dive in and discover if we go type Neg or Pos!
- This is a canonical ProgNeg.
- This discussion contains miscellaneous SPOILERS pertaining to the film(s) discussed and possibly Doctor Who! If you are 100% spoilerphobic to films not yet seen, do not complain to us. This episode is mostly negative (though often that is a misnomer) and contains EXPLICIT terms, concepts, and as always expect strokes of innuendo throughout.
- This episode was orginally recorded September 9, 2013.
You... you damn fool. You ruined the door!
Host/Producer: Eric @BullittWHO
Podcast: guidetothewhoverse.libsyn.com
Co-Host: Sean @tardistavern
Podcast: tardistavern.libsyn.com
Co-Host: Christopher @dubbayoo
Podcast: radiofreeskaro.com
Co-Creator: H.B Lockwood @hayleyglyphs
Artwork: hayleyglyphs.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/hayleyglyphs
Prognosis Negative @ProgNeg
Email: guidetothewhoverse ~at~ gmail ~dot~com
Website: prognosisnegative.libsyn.com
Tumblr: progneg.tumblr.com
Facebook: facebook.com/ProgNeg
ProgNeg Theme compiled by H.B. Lockwood